Ten Questions with Kaia Gelsthorpe

Kaia Gelsthorpe, Sales Representative for DB Laboratory supplies, is always on hand for support over the phone with product advice and a healthy dose of friendly yorkshire banter. Here, she spills the beans on her favourite food, her earliest memory, and what inspires her in with our ten questions.

Kaia, thank you for your time, we know you are a busy lady. So lets get straight to it, tell us your favourite food ...

Anything vegetarian. I particularly love Marks and Spencer's pasta pot with spinach and pine nuts, and of course a good pizza!

What one thing would you have on a desert island?

A Volleyball called Wilson. I'm not going to think too deep about this!

Random choice....So, what are you really good at?

I have a creative flair and take great pleasure in crafting, using various techniques. I once made a crocheted giraffe for Victoria Coppack, our sales director when she had her first baby.

We like! Crafty Kaia is rather good at crocheting.

Any pet hates?

Seeing and hearing ill-mannered people chew food with their mouths open!

Who inspires you?

Those who succeed in life. Whether that’s financially or personally, Those who have the right mind set to never give up on their goals and also encourage others to do the same.

What is your favourite DB product and why?

The Anti snoring appliances: Forward and Telescopic. Millions of people in the UK suffer with snoring and sleep apnoea! It is a heartwarming feeling when you know that you are helping to improve the quality of so many people's lives and improving relationships. Our appliances are also more comfortable than many others on the market.

What one word describes you most?

Unique. Yes, I'll blow my own trumpet!


In South Africa, collecting shells in front of the Table Mountain and the 12 Apostles. 


What is your earliest memory?

I must have only been a toddler. I was at Graves Park farm in Sheffield. Whilst my mother held me in her arms, I reached out to touch a cows nose and it licked my hand.

Koh Phi Phi island in Thailand.

What do you love most about your job?

The interaction I have with customers over the phone and in person. Building long-term professional working relationships with clients by introducing new innovative products and helping them to reduce their costs (especially hospitals) with competitive offers.


Great white shark diving in Gansbaai, South Africa. She is a brave lady is our Kaia!

 If you had a time machine, where and when would you travel to?

Wembley Stadium, 13th July 1985. Watching Live Aid from the side of the stage, surrounded in the euphoric atmosphere, as Queen did their set.


Thank you Kaia

So there we have it. Kaia, it has been great to learn a bit more about you. You are clearly passionate about travelling, and we never knew you were a multi-talented crafter. 

Kaia is a specialist in offering problem solving Laboratory products and services. Give her a call today on 01535 650578.