The MSi Mandibular Snoring Inhibitor is an anti-snoring device that is designed for patients
who suffer from snoring or sleep apnoea.
In 2021, the NICE guidelines included anti snoring mandibular advancement devices as a recommended treatment option for obstructive sleep apnoea. This is welcome news for clinicians who wish to increase their treatment offering in practice with patients’ well-being in mind.
The MSi provides an opportunity for you to offer an extra aspect of care in your practice which may
enhance the quality of sleep of your patients and their partners.
Providers of the MSi Mandibular Snoring Inhibitor benefit from:
- A workflow efficient appliance that offers 10mm protrusion; minimising the need for those frustrating extra lab adjustments sometimes experienced with other anti snoring appliances.
- A comfortable appliance that is slim with rounded edges, with a skeletal screw design that is hygienic easy to clean.
- The Bite Right bite jig that ensures the depth of bite is perfect first time every time. Since the Bite Right’s introduction, NO appliances have been returned after an initial fitting for additional adjustments.
- An expert team of technicians from DB Orthodontics’ in-house laboratory, Studio 8, who are just a phone call away for support.
- An OSA Screening Questionnaire and GP covering letter to assist in the screening of obstructive sleep apnoea and the referral process to a sleep specialist.
- Marketing support including leaflets, posters and digital marketing images for your website and social media.

The MSi has innovative features which provide:

- Durability - Designed to withstand severe bruxism: three bar hook support; robust construction.
- Predictable first time fit - In most cases, even without a fully protruded bite, the 10mm of adjustment will compensate.
- Outstanding performance - Considerable amount of additional adjustment available; built to last; all parts individually replaceable; 2-year warranty.
- Hygiene - Simple to clean: all parts are accessible.
- Comfort - Lateral/excursive movement provision; separable upper and lower whilst in the mouth; dry mouth compatible; low/slim profile; no cheek irritation from linkage arms; soft inner lining.
- Ease of use - The patient is able to adjust the MSi safely, to maximise performance and comfort.
- Uncomplicated design - Less production time; predictable quality.
- Dedicated bite register - Minimal returns to the lab.
Clinician’s Testimonials
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