Working Safe, Working Smart: Recognising Orthodontists’ Hard Work!

Let’s take a moment to recognise all of your hard work. You may have received the green light to open and carry out both AGPs and non-AGPs from from 8th June, yet up ‘til then, you hadn't stopped anyway.

Amid the uncertainty, you've been trying to source reasonably priced PPE, arranging zoom appointments with patients, triaging and giving care over the phone or on zoom meetings, carrying out refurbs and spring cleans.

Some of you even invested in air filtration units. And, of course we mustn't forget those of you who have worked extremely hard in the emergency centres.

Orthodontist Neil Patel with Nurse Sona Matouskova from The Specialist Orthodontic Practice in Epping, Essex.

Now the guidance is through, your focus moves to resuming face to face appointments. However, there is no reason to rush things at the cost of safety.

In a recent Dentistry online blog titled "Can does Not Mean Should", Dr Nishma Sharma, a practising dentist in Hertfordshire who works for the OCDO, reminds teams that the inability to offer treatments immediately from this date onward will not lead to penalties – particularly as many are struggling to source the correct PPE.

A challenge like no other

Neil Patel, from The Specialist Orthodontic Practice in Epping, Essex, says "We've faced a challenge like no other in the midst of this pandemic, but what that has taught us is together is stronger. Our team has worked remarkably hard to maintain social distancing and the correct PPE is implemented to ensure the safety of our staff, and of course our patients. The only way to beat this is working together and of course doing so with a big smile"

...”Our team has worked remarkably hard to maintain social distancing and the correct PPE is implemented to ensure the safety of our staff and of course our patients”…

Staying in touch has been vital

Dr Lisa Currie and Ivin Tan, Directors of the Orthodontic Clinic in Aberdeen, have been passionate in boosting morale among patients and staff members. Lisa said, “It’s been a challenging time for everyone. Staying in touch with our patients and team has been vital. It’s something we are hearing a lot of just now, but could never be truer - we are stronger together. We speak to all of our team constantly throughout the lockdown period, we have a WhatsApp group that we are connected by and we have group meetings regularly and a weekly quiz night for fun."

Team members at The Orthodontic Clinic, Aberdeen.

..."Our team were especially proud to have produced a video/ song montage which was posted on our social media and YouTube to help spread a message of togetherness, positivity and all round good vibes and to show our appreciation for the NHS and key workers."

How do PPE requirements differ between AGP and Non-AGP?

For non-AGP care, the PPE required is:

  • Eye protection, disposable fluid-resistant (type IIR) surgical masks, disposable apron and gloves.

For AGP care, the PPE required is:

  • Disposable, fluid-repellent gown to cover arms or approved equivalent, gloves and eye/face protection. An FFP3 respirator worn by all team members involved in the procedure.

How can the DB Team support you?

At DB, We are delighted to be back and fully operational; supporting you all with the essential products, including the much needed and highly sought after PPE products to achieve the "new normal" in dentistry.

Face shield packs are available in a variety of coloured frames.
*Black and White available now.

When Covid19 hit, we needed to adapt. We needed to provide products which can help you re-open safely and help minimise the number of AGPs. Where a bur may have been used previously, the IX835 Ixion Adhesive Removal Plier could be a replacement..

The vinyl tube of the IX835 rests on the occlusal surface/incisal surface of the tooth ensuring no discomfort to the patient, while the sharp metal tip removes adhesive from the labial surface with ease.

Facebook Image provided courtesy of Colchester Orthodontic Centre.

Establishing a new normal

Laura Shewbridge, Treatment and Marketing Coordinator at Colchester Orthodontics, said "We’ve been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to maintain open communication channels with our patients and we are looking forward to establishing a new normal with them"


… “We’ve been working extremely hard over the past few weeks to maintain open communication channels with our patients” ...

At DB, we stayed flexible and resourceful

In this challenging time, we've seen a greater motivation for earning extra practice income with tooth-whitening and removable aligners. And, your sign ups for our first webinars has shown your enthusiasm for broadening practice treatments.
Thank you to the hundreds of you that joined us on our webinars; Infinitas mini-implants, and 3D printing featuring Iconic Thermoforming material.

We have received great feedback from both of these, and as a result, DB webinars will become a permanent fixture.

Moving forward together

We are very grateful to all of you who have picked up the phone to discuss how we all move forward together. In every challenge there is something to learn, and we have all done just that. We aren't out of the woods yet, however by working safe, smart, and carefully, the "new normal" will soon become the norm.


About DB Orthodontics

It is our company mission to become a global leader in orthodontic and laboratory supplies. With over 45 years of experience in orthodontics, we recognise the importance of quality, service and innovation. Working to ISO13485 standards, we strive for perfection in all that we do, from unique product design to the excellent service provided by our dedicated customer service and sales teams. We are continually developing our product range, designing innovative products through consultation with leading orthodontists from the world, to ensure that our products meet the high standards expected by today’s practitioners.