The MSi Technical Guide by Phil Chapman

The MSi Technical Guide by Phil Chapman
A practical guide that covers everything you need to know, to manufacture an MSi.
Designed to cater for every level of ability and experience, the MSi Technical Guide contains over 100 photographic images, covering the essentials, plus more advanced information and tips to add to your proficiency once you have mastered the basics.
In addition to the theoretical and practical aspects of manufacture, the guide includes valuable, additional information on the principles of MAS treatment, as well as advice to help you overcome challenging cases and deal with the technical questions often asked. It can be used as a training resource, or as a handy reference tool; either way, the MSi Technical Guide is a valuable aid for all.
About the Author
Phil Chapman is a graduate in design and the creator of the MSi. He has drawn on his wealth of specialist experience in sleep disorder appliances and dental technology, to provide this unique guide.
"This guide contains pretty much everything I know about the MSi. Although the MSi is an easy MAS to make, it's always good to know what is recommended and what isn't. The MSi guide is designed to deliver accurate information and techniques that are quick to access and apply."